I would be really interestedin seeing this stuff if you find a way of putting it back up.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
I want to release the motherload
by Anony Mous ini have collected and assembled hundreds of letters, documents, publications, personal communications, e-mails from the branch etc.
etc.. my original intent was to make some type of searchable database but my time has been taken over by more important things in life for me.
i don't care about the jw's all that much anymore and who or what gets what information i don't really care.
I'm going to the British Museum, Is their anything their to rubbish 607/Jerusalem?
by BroMac injerusalem was destroyed by the babs and king neb in 586/587 bce, (depending on if you count in ascencion years 0>1>2>3 or just starting from 1year from the first day on the throne.
) ((well, i think i'm understanding that bit correctly)).. so this is the first time i will be going to the british museum knowing this as a fact.
has anyone been recently who is interested in this subject?.
Mickey mouse
Yes, there was something and I'll try to find the picture I took with my phone.
Hardest most awkward parts of being mentally out but physically in
by BU2B ini am still physically in but am completely out mentally.. i was curious for those who spent some time in the borg while being mentally out or are still in that position, what is the worst, hardest or most awkward parts... for me i intensly dislike attending the meetings however its bearable as i can just let my mind wander, but field service is awful.
i cannot try to bring someone in to a group that i am trying to plot a way out of.
so now i try my best to either spend the day driving around to others fruitless rv's (we have somewhat rural territory) or eating out at an extended breakfast or if door to door cannot be avoided, i try to work alone and not ring bells.
Mickey mouse
Once I realised that the truth was the false, I couldn't go door to door. I carried on going to meetings and reporting time for a few years though. Man that was grim.
Not Breaking News: Mormons quit church in mass resignation ceremony, Are Jehovah's Witnesses Next?
by Scott77 inhttp://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-usa-utah-mormonsbre86000n-20120630,0,5340553.story.
mormons quit church in mass resignation ceremonyshare112chelsea bair reads a declaration of independence from mormonism during a mass resignation of mormons from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in salt lake cit (jeffrey d. allred, reuters / june 30, 2012).
relatedalex willardson shows his letter during a mass resignation of mormons from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in salt lake city.
Mickey mouse
Maybe someone will organize an event like this for XJWs.
The old cat herding analogy comes to mind.
Watchtower explains why it's NOT a Cult
by JWOP inhere is a youtube video showing a wt article trying to explain how it is not a cult, but contradicts itself and undoes their own reasoning:.
Mickey mouse
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
Mickey mouse
Someone just mentioned this on Facebook.
I think the Society might drop its appeal over the Conti case
by cedars ini've been giving some thought to the recent development in which the judge has ruled that the society is barred from completing any property transactions until the appeal is over, which could take up to two years or even more.. i've submitted an article to randy at freeminds in which i basically argue that it is no longer in the society's interests to appeal this case.
if i correctly understand the restrictions placed on the society by the judge, then the governing body has far more to lose by appealing than they could conceivably gain.. think about it.... by appealing, they buy themselves time in which to formulate a long-term strategy for dealing with the fallout of this case, but will be barred from liquidating $1 billion in property assets at a time of global economic uncertainty when their donations are dwindling.
there is also no guarantee that their appeal will be upheld.by dropping their appeal, they take a hit and pay $23.8 million but retain the freedom to see through their real estate projects; retain their financial flexibility to respond to dwindling donations, and get to pretend to their followers (as with the un scandal) that it never happened.of course, i am only saying that dropping the appeal would be the only intelligent option for the society, assuming they are aware of how legally precarious their child abuse policies are.
Mickey mouse
Remember that they fully believe the shit they are shovelling so in their heads Jehovah WILL fix this. Afterall, he overturned Rutherford et al's conviction in 1919, right?
Where is LeavingWT?
by Magwitch inhe has always been one of my absolute favorite posters.
where has he gone?.
Mickey mouse
You can begin worshipping me now.
Where is LeavingWT?
by Magwitch inhe has always been one of my absolute favorite posters.
where has he gone?.
Mickey mouse
I predict his presence will commence shortly. If I am correct, you can all become my followers.
My JW mum is in hospital
by nugget inmy poor mum fell over on sunday and broke her hip.
she was taken to hospital and yesterday had an operation to place a pin in the joint.
this was obviously a worrying time for all concerned and my dad let us all know what was going on.
Mickey mouse
Sorry to hear about your mum nugget. Wishing her a speedy recovery. x